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1. Owen Lee - September 25, 2007


I just came across your blog and was amazed
at the wealth of information you have to
offer. Very impressive indeed 🙂

I’m wondering if you could take a look at
my website at:


and see if you’d like to add a link to it
on your blog. (Perhaps under a new category
“Learn Any Foreign Language”).

Do let me know if you’d like a review copy 🙂


Yours Sincerely,
Owen Lee

2. Edwin - September 25, 2007

Thanks for dropping by. How can I contact you directly?

3. Sharon - January 28, 2008

Hi Edwin,

I’m a 4th year Radio and Television Arts student at Ryerson University and who happen to find your blog while researching for the documentary that I’m working on.

I’m currently working on a cross-platform documentary about accents, focusing on stories about culture, personal history, anecdotes about accent. At this point, I’m looking for contributors who have interesting stories to share about their accent. The finished documentary will be distributed via mobile and submitted to various short film festivals.

I noticed you have many links to different language sites and was wondering if you could suggest me any online language communities where people might be interested in a project like this. I tried on searching different cultural communities but I think a web site where I can post my ad on a board would be more efficient than contacting each organization.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

You can contact me at: accent.documentary@gmail.com


Sharon Lee.

4. Jon Bischke - June 19, 2008

Hey Edwin. On eduFire we just posted a listing of the Top 20 Language Bloggers on the Web (we did our best…I’m sure we left some good ones out!). Anyway, I wanted to let you know that you made the list! 🙂 Here’s the link: http://blog.edufire.com/2008/06/19/the-top-20-language-bloggers-on-the-web/

Also wanted to drop you a line as we’re looking to give away some free language tutoring sessions in the coming weeks and if this is something you’d like to offer to your readers I’d be happy to set that up.

Keep up the good work!

5. Jim Morrison - June 20, 2008

I have been reading your blog and I really like it.
You seem to be as interested in languages as I am.
I speak French, Catalan and a bit of German.
Anyway, I thought you might be interested in my Free website/application.
The site has an app to download which is basically a language learning notebook. But you can load projects into the notebook.
The projects are available on the site for download and anyone can make their own projects in the app and upload them to the site.
There are already some decent projects in Spanish, Japanese, Catalan, Romanian, Breton, Scottish Gaelic etc.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
All the best,
Jim Morrison

6. Edwin - June 27, 2008

Hi Jon,
I will surely check out your service in the future. One thing I have learned from the online language learning communities in the past year-or-so is that, free stuff is not always good. I think charging people for tutorials is one good way to ensure quality of service.

Wish you all the best with your website!

7. Edwin - June 27, 2008

Hi Jim,
Your software looks interesting. I wonder if you have in plan adding some kind of concordance. That would be very nice!

Thanks for your link!

8. Jim Morrison - July 1, 2008

Hi Edwin,
I am not sure what you mean by ‘concordance’.
Can you explain?

9. Ben - August 25, 2008

Hi, my name is Ben, and I’m from the lexiophiles.com. We published a list of the top 100 language blogs a short time ago, and your blog ranked number 37 in our list!

We have a short description of your blog on the website, and we would appreciate if you could have a look to see if it is correct. If not we can modify it 🙂 You can access the page at http://www.lexiophiles.com/top100-language-blogs

Ben Valembois

10. Edwin - August 25, 2008

Hi Ben,
Thanks for including my site in your list. The short description looks fine. I will surely create a reciprocal post to your site very soon.

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